Each life-like perfumed Luxury Grand Rose Bud Bouquet has been skillfully hand crafted and is set in gel giving it the appearance of water. Each petal has a special natural coating to give them a true to life touch & appearance. Twenty-one rose buds have been arranged in a hand-blown glass with gold Cote Noire signature badge.
This beautiful life-like Thirteen Rose arrangement has been set in gel infused with a fine fragrance.Each flower is skillfully hand crafted & uses a special, natural coating to give every petal a natural touch & appearance.Enclosed with your natural touch grand bouquet Roses is two large bottle’s scented perfume, which you can spray directly onto the Roses to refresh & enhance the scent.Beautifully packaged in a hand made ribboned round Beautifully packaged in a round ribboned Cote Noire box.