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Warm interiors for the winter blues

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Here we are again entering the cold winter months, the pots of soup are stewing away on our stove tops and the fires are stoked and we are all thinking about being in our cosy warm homes.

Here at TRENZSEATER we start thinking about the change in colours to make our interiors winter worthy here our picks on colour for the coming months. Of course along with our neutral base of colours we want to add that splash of colour or if daring enough go all out and encompass your interior in dark moody cosy tones which make you want to hibernate for life.. or just while those cold winter evenings are here.

Bottle Green- Yes, its back and yes you should use it we love it in velvets and paint on the walls the richer and darker the better. Green is such a versatile colour and during the winter while the environment around us turns to shades of grey and brown why not bring that rich green into our interiors a small reminder of the lush grass and trees which we dare not go view in the cold.

Rusty Oranges- This is one for the daring, although we would not recommend going all out with rusty oranges a hint here and there will avoid you home turning into a terracotta pot. We think orange looks amazing in feature chairs and cushions pair it up with some rich browns and taupes and you will have your own autumn wonderland- think driving through central Otago with the leaves falling off the poplar trees how much better can it get.

Mustard- Again a colour best used as an accent perfect mixed with navy, greys, and even bottle green. Adds a warmth to a space and a feeling of happiness as yellow is associated with- a ray of sunshine during the cold winter months. We love using linens, leather and wools in mustard tones.

Rich Red- Now who wouldn’t want to be curled up on the sofa with a big glass of pinot ops wrong kind of red… we are talking rich red velvets, Persian rugs mixed with classic navy, and green the complimentary colour. Rich reds look fantastic with timbers and enhance the natural warmth and texture of the product.

Navy- Such a versatile colour can be paired up with every colour above can act in as a monochrome a great alternative to black. We just love walls painted Navy for some bold elegance. Navy looks great in so many different fabric compositions, and goes so well with several different metal finishes from silver, gold, copper and bronze.

And finally our metal of choice with our winter colour scheme.. bronze, its not often you get recognition for coming third but bronze deserves all the recognition it can get. We love the warmth and texture bronze adds to a space and looks amazing slightly tarnished to give a rustic look, bronze works with all of our winter colour choices so be proud show off that bronze.

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